My Art Events and News
My Art Events and News

Learn about my upcoming art shows, events and an all around "What's New?" If you are in the Woodbridge area, come by Open Space Arts to see the artwork there, as I often have artwork there depending on the show.
The Prince William Art Society group meets the 4th Monday of the month, except in Dec, Jan - check the website for updates.
Upcoming Art Events
Upcoming Art Events
Here is what is happening - check back often as Art tends to just popup often. When opportunity knocks, answer the door and remember to paint it. *I have artwork there!
​Art Sh​ow, Event Name
​Art Sh​ow, Event Name
- PWAS - Prince William Art Society
- MAG - Manassas Art Guild
- OSA - Open Space Arts
- PWCAC - Prince William County Arts Council
What's New?
What's New?
2023 A New Year and New Art Opportunities
2023 A New Year and New Art Opportunities
The gallery at Open Space Arts with the new PWAS OSA Committee is ongoing with art shows changing around bi-monthly and the Tall Oaks Art Show is in the spring
December 2022 A New Face to the Website​
December 2022 A New Face to the Website​
Major updates to this website, ongoing!
PWAS to Manage Open Space Arts Gallery and Volunteers
PWAS to Manage Open Space Arts Gallery and Volunteers
April 2022- PWAS with PWCAC Herb Williams will help manage the OSA Gallery, with the intention to offer ART in all its various forms to PWC.
Open Space Arts Expanded at Stonebridge​
Open Space Arts Expanded at Stonebridge​
November/December 2021 - The Stonebridge Open Space Art Show at 1500 Potomac Town Place, launched a "popup" art show after the Thanksgiving weekend and the show has been expanded up to December 12, 2021! The event is sponsored by JBG Smith and the Prince William County Artists Council (PWCAC). The Prince William Arts Society (PWAS) has thirteen artists displaying around the gallery.
DonnaLiguriaArt.com - My Official Website, Finally!
DonnaLiguriaArt.com - My Official Website, Finally!
November 2021 - I launched a Blog first, in 2020 called DonnasCavePaintings which is a behind the canvas look of my art inventory. This website is a major milestone to me. My plan is to make it easier for someone to see what I can do by seeing what art I have done. I hope you enjoy.