Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
A good place to start when you need to find some information on a question you might have - about my art, getting a commission and more.
How can I purchase your art?
How can I purchase your art?
First of all, I thank you for this question! I have the lyrics of the song, "These are a few of my favorite things" floating in my head - but its true. I am happy that you like my art enough to want to include it in your life too!.
In answer to the question, there are a few options to purchase my art.
ONLINE: I have an Etsy shop at https://www.etsy.com/shop/DonnaLiguriaArt Not all of my art is on Etsy, as the artworks size and shipping are to be considered.
PayPal: paypal.me/DonnaLiguriaArt or the button below are good options, but...
I have my art semi scattered about in local galleries or shows, so it would probably be better to ask if a specific piece is still available first. I am trying to build up my inventory enough that some art is on Etsy only, or at specific galleries only, etc so that I can avoid any issue.
Do you live in Northern Virginia or are you in the area? Check out my Art Events page for upcoming shows and to meet me in person!
Please Follow My Blog, DonnasCavePaintings to see the behind the scenes, or behind the canvas stories and to see what is new.
What is PWAS?
What is PWAS?
PW​AS is the Prince William Art Society in Prince William County, Virginia. It is a 501(c)3 non-profit group of local art​ists. Their mission is to "To promote the creation, understanding and exhibition of the visual fine arts in Prince William County, VA" - and they are!! I joined the group in March 2021 and they have benefited me greatly. I highly recommend artists to join at least one local art group near them, there is always something to learn and great friendships to be made.
What is ​Open Space Arts?
What is ​Open Space Arts?
Open Space Arts (OSA) is a gallery at 15000 #140 Potomac Town Center, Woodbridge, VA - near Wegmans. Artists in Prince William County that are 18 and older can submit their art to be juried when a call for art goes out. Or, if you are a member of a PWC art group, you can also submit art, but all artwork is juried for each show. The OSA gallery is open Wednesday - Saturday 12 to 7pm and Sundays from 12 to 5pm and is staffed by the PWAS members and other PWC volunteers. Artwork is changed out approximately every month.

Open Space Arts
15000 #140 Potomac Town Center, Woodbridge, VA

Commissioned artwork called "Mount Assiniboine, BC" is a 18x24 gallery wrapped stretched canvas painted with acrylics. SOLD
Do you take Commission Requests?
Do you take Commission Requests?
Yes I do - depending on subject though. I am not comfortable with painting specific persons for example. I am a self-taught artist, and am trying to learn how to paint people. It is an ongoing thing.
Depending on my workload and time of year, some artwork may need to be scheduled. If several people want something painted by a specific date - holiday and/or birthday gifts at the same time, an artist must take the first come-first served (or first deposit received) option.
Please see my Commissions Info page to help you and I both understand what you are looking for.
How l​ong does a Commission take? And cost?
How l​ong does a Commission take? And cost?
There are so many variables with these questions that it is hard to answer! A painting's time and cost are based on several factors including: my available time, the size of the painting, the subject of the painting (are good photos available if needed?) and some simple things like our clear communications between the artist and client (email, texts, phone calls), the agreements, the contract, and deposit/payment received. Then there is the preparation, sketching, the actual painting and the curing times for the paint and the varnishing processes. Shipping may be another consideration for a completed painting to be received as well. The Cost of the painting can only be configured once several decisions are made specifically - the size, subject, how long it will take me - in particular.
What does "you are not taking commissions at this time mean"?
What does "you are not taking commissions at this time mean"?
Occasionally an artist will post that they are not taking commissions at this time and they could have a lot of reasons for this as anyone would. They could be on a break from art, on vacation, a lot going on with their life, family or work, or could have so many commissions lined up that their work load precludes any additional work for a time. Typically, once the artist is ready to take the extra work on again, they change their status.
What do you mean by "are good photos available" for the commission?
What do you mean by "are good photos available" for the commission?
If I am painting a pet portrait, I need clear images of your pet in order to capture the exact coloring and facial features. More than one image will help tremendously. And include their favorite toys, a certain position or expression are fun as well.
For a painting of a home, good, clear images of the house - especially in the time of day or time of year will go a long way in helping to understand the best lighting and best season and foliage in the art.
Great pictures help the artist to create the painting - and really SEE the subject. Light changes so much in a day, which means that the color changes too.

"I Tawt I Taw a Puddy Tat"
"I Tawt I Taw a Puddy Tat"
I left a comment on your blog, why can't I see it?
I left a comment on your blog, why can't I see it?
Comments are monitored and managed - to avoid being spammed and perhaps to stay on topic. Once I approve the comment, it will show.
Do you paint people?
Do you paint people?
I'm learning to paint people...I am mystified how people paint other people and it actually LOOKS like that person. When I grow up, I hope to be able to do that too. For now, the people I paint do not appear to be aliens so far. But of course, those aliens may have been on purpose too.
Do you paint abstracts?
Do you paint abstracts?
Not on purpose.
Do you paint pets?
Do you paint pets?
Yes! And I hope to do more. -> to the right is "Sophie in the Snow" completed in December 2022
Do you paint in oils?
Do you paint in oils?
I have in the past. I hope to do more. The same with Watercolors.
Do you frame the artwork?
Do you frame the artwork?
It depends. For Commissioned pieces, I have not because I typically use Gallery Wrapped Stretched Canvases which do not need to be framed. I like to paint the edges of the artwork to give the piece a more finished look and appeal. I also feel that frames can sort of 'make or break' the finished piece and I leave that to the client to match the frame to their décor.
For displaying artwork in local shows and galleries, there are quite often 'rules' for displaying artwork correctly. If a Gallery Wrapped Stretched Canvas was not used, a frame must be included on the artwork. In these cases, I have used "floater frames", quite often in basic black as I like the ability to set the canvas into the frame and still see some of the edging of the painting. The artwork that has the frame included will be updated to show that in the gallery.

"Let's Go Visit the Hobbits" is SOLD