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A Gallery of Happy Clients
A Gallery of Happy Clients
As my paintings find new homes, I love- LOVE-LOVE! seeing who gets them and where they end up. If you have one, let me see! I hope you enjoy seeing them too.

Dave's Blue Ridge Shores Plaque
Wooden plaque painting of BRS around 1969 when we were kids

To Sheri From Deni
"Blue Ridge Shores Main Beach"

Shannon and Tom with "Francis and Agatha"

Judy's "There's No Place Like Home"

Dwayne and "Mountain Reflection"

Kyle and Gage with "Kyle's House"

Deni and "Giraffe Skin Pattern"

Dave's "Lewes Delaware Beach 3"

Peacock mini at my aunt's house

Dwayne and "Sunrise Over Nags Head NC"

Jeff and Denise with "Birdie and Coco"

Dave's mini "Sea Turtle"

Friend in NC with Another Piece of My Art

Aysen and "Lewes, Delaware 2"

Todd and Katie with "Ester As A Pup"

Dave's mini "Woodpecker"

Friend in NC with More of My Art (2)

A Friend in NC with My Art

Mike and "Cherry Blossoms, An Annual DC Event"


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